

The Thermodynamics of Enzyme-Catalzyed Reactions Database (TECRDB), was originally created by the National Institute of Standards and Technology. It was published as a set of pdf files containing tables and metadata.

From this, we curated a dataset with more than 5500 data points, representing the biggest catalog of measured thermodynamic parameters about reactions relevant for metabolic modelling and biocatalysis alike.

About v1.0.0

Our version 1.0.0 of TECRDB is described in an article under consideration for the Database issue of NAR.

Follow these links to get started:

Advanced search (beta version - learn more)
Simple search
Download the full dataset
Have a look at the data under curation and the curation manuals

* Why does it say "beta"? In our Advanced Search, you can find chemical compounds by their synonyms, too, but you might miss some data points when this does not work. Also, we don't have a HTTPS version running yet. You need to accept the message given by your browser about security risks to enter the search, until we have it fixed.